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육류도매업, 외국인 투자제한 50% vs 미국의 육류산업 역사

by 큰바위얼굴. 2015. 2. 8.

육류도매업이란, 가축 및 기타 육지동물의 신선, 냉장, 냉동한 도축고기를 도매하는 산업활동을 말한다. 한국표준산업분류.


> 바로보기 : 통계청고시_한국표준산업분류표.pdf





U.S. Meat Packing Industry


The meat packing industry handles the slaughtering, processing, packaging, and distribution of animals such as cattle, pigs, sheep and other livestock. The industry is primarily focused on producing meat for human consumption, but it also yields a variety of by-products including hides, feathers, dried blood, and, through the process of rendering, fat such as tallow and protein meals such as meat & bone meal.


식육포장산업(대형패커)은 소, 돼지, 양 및 기타 가축 등의 도축, 가공, 포장, 유통을 담당한다. 업계는 초기 소비량을 위한 고기량에 초점을 맞추다가 가축, 깃털, 건조혈액 등 다양한 부산물로 전환한다.


In the U.S. and some other countries, the facility where the meat packing is done is called a meat packing plant; in New Zealand, where most of the products are exported, it is called a freezing works. An abattoir is a place where animals are slaughtered for food.


미국 및 다른 국가에서 식육포장시설로 불리는데, 뉴질랜드에서는 얼음작품이라 불린다.


The meat packing industry grew with the construction of the railroads and methods of refrigeration. Railroads made possible the transport of stock to central points for processing, and the transport of products throughout the nation.


식육포장산업은 철도건설과 냉장방법과 함께 발전했다. 철도는 가공을 위한 운반을 가능하게 하였고 국가간 제품운송을 가능케 하였다.


The publication of the Upton Sinclair novel The Jungle in the US in 1906, shocked the public with the poor working conditions and unsanitary practices in meat packing plants in the United States, specifically Chicago. Meat packing plants, like many industries in the early 20th century, were known to overwork their employees, failed to maintain adequate safety measures, and actively fought unionization. In the early part of the century, they used the most recent immigrants and migrants as strikebreakers in labor actions taken by other workers, also usually immigrants or early descendants.


1906년대 식육포장공장에서의 빈약한 근로조건과 비위생적인 관행이 공공에 충격을 주다.


In the 1930s and early 1940s, however, workers achieved unionization under the CIO's United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA). An interracial committee led the organizing in Chicago, where the majority of workers in the industry were black, and other major cities, such as Omaha, Nebraska, where they were an important minority in the industry. UPWA workers made important gains in wages, hours and benefits. In 1957 the stockyards and meat packing employed half the workers of Omaha. The union supported a progressive agenda, including the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. While the work was still difficult, for a few decades workers achieved blue-collar, middle-class lives from it.


1930년대, 1940년 초반, 노동자는 CIO's United Packinghouse Workers of America(UPWA) 아래 연합을 성취하다. 임금, 시간, 혜택이 상승하게 만들었다.


노조는 진보적인 의제를 지원하다. 1960년대 민권 운동을 포함하여. 일은 여전히 어려운 반면, 몇몇 노동자는 블루칼라, 중산층 삶을 달성.


Mid-century restructuring by the industry of the stockyards, slaughterhouses and meat packing led to relocating facilities closer to cattle feedlots and swine production facilities, to more rural areas, as transportation shifted from rail to truck. It has been difficult for labor to organize in such locations. In addition, the number of jobs fell sharply through technology and other changes. Wages fell during the latter part of the 20th century, and eventually, both Chicago (in 1971) and Omaha (in 1999) closed their stockyards for good. Historically, the other major meat packing cities in the United States were South St. Paul, Minnesota, East St. Louis, Illinois, Dubuque, Iowa, Kansas City, Missouri, Austin, Minnesota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Sioux City, Iowa.


Stockyard, 도축, 포장산업에 의한 중세기 구조조정은 소 비육장, 돼지 생산시설, 기차에서 트럭으로 이동하는 운송되는 것처럼 시설이 재위치되다.

20세기 임금은 떨어지고, 1971Chicago, 1999 Omaha를 폐쇄하다. 주요 식육포장도시는 남쪽 세인트 폴, 미네소타, 이스트 세인트 루이스, 일리노이, 더 뷰크, 아이오와, 캔자스 시티, 미주리, 오스틴, 미네소타, 수폴스, 사우스 다코타및 시티, 아이오와 등이다.


Though the meat packing industry has made many improvements since the early 1900s, extensive changes in the industry since the late 20th century have caused new labor issues to arise. Today, the rate of injury in the meat packing industry is three times that of private industry overall, and meat packing was noted by Human Rights Watch as being "the most dangerous factory job in America". The meatpacking industry continues to employ many immigrant laborers, including some who are undocumented workers. In the early 20th century the workers were immigrants from eastern and southern Europe, and black migrants from the South. Today many are Hispanic, from Mexico, Central and South America. The more isolated areas in which the plants are located put workers at greater risk due to their limited ability to organize and to seek redress for work-related injuries


식육포장산업은 1900년대 초반 이후 많이 개선되고, 20세기 후반 새 노동이슈를 일으켰다.

오늘날, 식육포장기업 내의 사고율은 전반적인 개인기업 보다 3배 높고, 고기포장은 미국에서 가장 위험한 공장직업으로 인권감시에 의해 지적되었다.

20세기 초반 노동자들은 동부와 남부 유럽으로부터 이주해 오고, 흑인은 남부로부터 이주해 왔다.



MeatpackersThese are major historical and current meat packers in the United States.





















