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현금흐름/Lotto의 실마리, 2011.8.~25

Random Numbers VBA, Find the optimal combination VBA Random Numbers VBA[prompt]  1에서 45까지 범위 내에서 6개의 숫자를 중복 없이 무작위로 선택한다. 선택된 6개의 숫자를 '데이터' 시트의 A2열부터 내림차순으로 입력한다. 이를 10번 반복한다. 각 행에서 A열 숫자 빼기 F열 숫자의 값은 G열에 넣고, A열 숫자 빼기 B열 숫자의 값은 H열에 넣고, B열 숫자 빼기 C열 숫자의 값은 I열에 넣고, C열 숫자 빼기 D열 숫자의 값은 J열에 넣고, D열 숫자 빼기 E열 숫자의 값은 K열에 넣고, E열 숫자 빼기 F열 숫자의 값은 L열에 넣는다. 이를 만족하는 VBA 함수는Sub GenerateRandomNumbers()     Dim ws As Worksheet     Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("데이터").. 2024. 6. 10.
Find the optimal combination 6/45 반복할 수록 출현이 증가하는 조합을 찾고 있다.Random Numbers VBA, 10000번Find the optimal combination VBA실행방법 : https://meatmarketing.tistory.com/7191  실행결과 : 6번 이상 출현한 조합 by 10000회14 6 5 4 114 7 4 3 114 3 3 2 113 10 6 4 112 7 4 3 112 7 3 2 112 11 5 4 112 9 5 2 1 * One pick = (12, 13, 14) 7 4 3 1  실행결과 : 6번 이상 출현한 조합  by 10000회14 6 5 3 114 4 3 2 113 8 3 2 112 10 5 2 1 * 최대값 12~14, 최소값 1인 범위에서 2만번 중 6회 이상 출현한 조합은 6 5.. 2024. 6. 4.
6/45 number_of_combinations w/ ChatGPT [prompt]    VBA 함수를 만들어줘.- 1에서 45까지 범위 내에서 6개의 숫자를 무작위로 선택해- 선택된 6개의 숫자를 sheet1의 A2자리부터 오른쪽으로 내림차순으로 입력해- A2부터 F2까지 입력된 값에서 A2 빼기 F2, A2 빼기 B2, B2 빼기 C2, C2 빼기 D2, D2 빼기 E2, E2 빼기 F2를 해서 각각의 값을 G2부터 오른쪽으로 입력해- 이를 100번 반복하면서, 반복할 때 마다 아래쪽으로 입력해아래는 주어진 조건을 충족하는 VBA 코드를 작성한 것입니다. 이 코드는 1부터 45까지의 범위 내에서 6개의 숫자를 무작위로 선택하고, 내림차순으로 정렬한 후, 차이를 계산하여 결과를 Sheet1에 100번 반복하여 입력합니다.Sub GenerateAndInputNumbers.. 2024. 5. 23.
번호 2021. 3. 9.
2021.1.14. Selection 2021.1.14. Selection It comes out anyway. Whether it is the consensus or the starting point, you have to wait for the moment you lock in. In fact, I think it's very likely that waiting for a long time on the correct one. Still, mix it your way. Can't wait! Yes. Fishing is also my own, so how can I determine the right case? Just mix it up as you like, as you think, as it seems. Is it a sense? Yes.. 2021. 1. 14.
(Total Summary) What I've found so far > What I've found so far. Total clearance The sum of sides represents a normal distribution. Vertex 41. The relatively low 35 indicates that it is likely to appear in the future. However, this is the result of reflecting all 35 super lotto, Korea 45, texas 54, NY 59, powerball 69, and megamillions 75. 변의합은 정규분포를 나타낸다. 정점 41. 35가 상대적으로 낮다는 건 향후 출현할 가능성이 크다는 걸 말해준다. 다만, super lotto 35개, korea 45, .. 2021. 1. 14.
Appears evenly from 1 in each place. Appears evenly from 1 in each place. You can see that it descends evenly from 1 per seat. 2021. 1. 14.
What has appeared the most so far will appear the most in the future. > What has appeared the most so far will appear the most in the future. By December 19, 2020, the most common sequence of 35 super lotto, Korea 45, texas 54, NY 59, powerball 69, megamillions 75 was number 6. When sorting in descending order There were a total of 4 sequences that appeared 6 times, and 12 were sequences that appeared 5 times. The following is the result of listing arrays that hav.. 2021. 1. 14.
If you match the number of 3, you win 3rd place. > If you match the number of 3, you win 3rd place. The number of cases is as follows. Example of conversion sum of 15) Example of 3 2 1) The most frequent case of 4 in front. Example of 4 1 2) The most common occurrences were 4 in the first place and 1 in the second place. example of 4 1 3) example of 1 2 1) When a 1 comes in the first place, the second place is the 2nd, the third place, and the.. 2021. 1. 14.
Trend of 3-digit number when sorting in descending order of converted value > Trend of 3-digit number when sorting in descending order of converted value When sorting in descending order of transformed values, 3 2 1 was the most frequent occurrence in the 3-digit trend. Appeared 276 times. The next appearance was 4 2 1. When sorting in descending order of converted value, the array in which the trend of 3 digits appears a lot is as follows. In the order of large numbers.. 2021. 1. 14.
Trend of 4 digits when sorting in descending order > Trend of 4 digits when sorting in descending order When sorting in descending order of converted values, 4 3 2 1 was the most frequent occurrence in the trend of 4 digits. Appeared 45 times. When sorting in descending order, if the number of the sequence that originally appeared in the first place in the sequence of 4 3 2 1 is set to '1', it appears 12 times. When sorting in descending order, .. 2021. 1. 14.
Trend when sorting in descending order of converted value > Trend when sorting in descending order of converted value When looking at the converted values sorted in descending order, they appeared as follows. There were 4 cases of 6 appearances until 21 December 2020. There were 16 cases of 5 appearances until December 21, 2020. There were 43 cases of 4 appearances until 21 December 2020. Until December 21, 2020, there were 229 cases that appeared 3 ti.. 2021. 1. 14.
Korea 45 ball trend to see > Korea 45 ball trend to see After converting 35 super lotto, korea 45, texas 54, NY 59, powerball 69, megamillions 75 and seeing the trend of the sum, draw a normal distribution with 41 as a vertex. Korea 45 Lotto is more likely to appear in the future, with a total of 35, 36 and 39. For example, the sum of sides 35 appeared as follows. 5times 4times The following is an example of applying by s.. 2021. 1. 14.
Example of transformation array that appeared 6 times > Example of transformation array that appeared 6 times The sum of the transforms is 25, so the array is 8 7 5 3 2 The sum of the transformations is 22 and the array is 9 7 3 2 1 The sum of the transformations is 27 and the array is 9 8 7 2 1 The sum of the transformations is 33, and the array is 18 7 4 3 1 For example, if you continued to apply after August 2011 from the starting point 26 to 43.. 2021. 1. 14.
Trend of appearance in descending order of transform array > Trend of appearance in descending order of transform array It was said that the appearance trend was 0.26% with the transformed arrangement as it was. So, this time, after sorting the converted array in descending order in order of size, we look at the appearance trend. The transformation sequence that appeared 6 times (sorted in descending order) was 4 times. The transformation sequence that .. 2021. 1. 14.
Conversion value trend > Conversion value trend Looking at the trend of the converted value, there were 25 cases out of 9752 that appeared 2 times. 0.26%. In terms of period, it refers to the case of two appearances from 1992 to December 2020. This is also a natural result. It tells us that there is a greater likelihood of appearing unequal than that of appearing identically. In fact, it is nothing more than a confirm.. 2021. 1. 14.
Recent powerball trends (~2020.12.19.) > Recent powerball trends (~2020.12.19.) It showed an arrangement of 9 9 2 5 14 with a starting point of 52. The sum of conversion was 39. Remember the normal distribution. 39 is almost at the apex. In other words, it is the most common case. 시작점이 52로 하는 9 9 2 5 14의 배열을 보였다. 변환의합은 39였다. 정규분포를 기억하라. 39는 거의 정점에 위치해 있다. 즉, 가장 보편하게 출현하는 경우이다. 2021. 1. 14.
Starting point > Starting point The starting point is the largest number. If you put the largest number and replace it with the converted value, you can get 6 numbers. 시작점은 숫자 중 가장 큰 수를 말한다. 가장 큰 수를 넣어 변환값으로 치환하면 곧 이는 숫자 6개를 얻을 수 있다. 2021. 1. 14.
Conversion method > Conversion method It refers to the value obtained by sequentially subtracting 6 numbers in descending order. In this case, regardless of the size of the number (35, 45, 54, 59, 69, 79...), you can focus on the 6 conversion values. As we saw earlier, we can draw a normal distribution. The effect of drawing the normal distribution is very large. for example. > 변환 방법 숫자 6개를 내림차순으로 나열한 후, 순차적으로 빼서.. 2021. 1. 14.
Transformation sum trend > Transformation sum trend Converting super lotto 35, korea 45, texas 54, NY 59, powerball 69, megamillions 75 and seeing the trend of the sum, draw a normal distribution with 41 as a vertex. The value of the sum of transformations of all is low at 35, 36, 39, and 43, so it is highly likely to appear in the future. The trend of the sum of transformations of Korea45 is low at 35 and 39. The point.. 2021. 1. 14.